Here is a quick example of what can be done with a quick scan of a paper photo.
This photo is 15 – 20 years old, from a trip to California, this one is from San Fransisco. More edits of the text possible.
This is a quick experiment:
1) Scanning the paper photo with a cheap paper photo scanner
2) Using photoshop elements for shadow/highlight enhancement
3) Slight sharpening using Unsharp Mask
I need to try making a scan of the negative (I expect that is in the folder)
I consider it possible to do that with my existing Digital camera and some good, even white background. It will probably not be as good as a professional scan, but likely better than the paper scan.
Comments are welcome on this subject.
Colour image :

San Fransisco by day
B/W image :

San Fransisco by day BW
Edit :
Dia-copyer received, after a bit of experimentation I succeeded in getting a decent colour from a negative “scan” (RAW photo), it ended up like this after a bit of processing :

The picture “scanned” with a digital camera
Edit2 :
Testing with noise reduction :

SanFran with noise reduction