A Look Back at 2023.

Not too much activity that year.


Sci-Fi-Con in Randers, Denmark

Fedcon in Bonn, Germany

Fantasticon in Copenhagen

The big one:
I got an invitaton to get to the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC), so I could get a chance to meet Babylon 5 creator, Sense8 co-creator, and much more, J.M. Straczynski.

What I did not know in Late February/Early March, was that in 2023 there would be a new Babylon 5 animated movie, The Road Home.

As it turns out, this movie got to have world premiere at SDCC, so I got to a world premiere of “Babylon 5; The Road Home” Quite an enjoyable experience, watching this with a bunch of other fans.

ESA Open Day is strictly speaking not a sci-fi convention, but it does cover space exploration with lots of good presentations and exhibits, and meeting people building and operating space craft, and deal with the results. All excellent fun.

On top of that, this year there was a sci-fi theme: Star Wars.

Film and TV:

Not much of watching TV or films, there should be a bit more in 2024.

A fair amount of reaction videos watched on Youtube, especially people watching Babylon 5. Some other film reactions are in my mix

The best were:

MedusaCascade. Finished in 2024

Babylon 5 for the First Time. Will finish in 2024

Grey 17 Podcast. Will likely finish in 2024

Shelley. Will likely finish in 2024

Mega Reacts. Finishing in 2024

Books and audio books:

I started a subscription to Audible, and I have a good amount of audio books and – plays to listen to by now. Re-listened to Lord of the Rings and a few other audio books, mostly when doing long drives to and from conventions.

In 2024 I expect a bit more sci-fi activity.

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